It's been so much fun watching the entire entire family as we wait for the call. It's all we talk about! The airline tickets have been purchased, including tickets for the uncles! Vacation time has been approved and little things purchased and placed in the "special place" to remember to put in the suitcases!
Time is going by quickly for us, the grandparents and uncles! The parents-to-be might not think that way, but the wait is almost over. I've been keeping my mind and hands busy with projects to help expedite the time and here are a few things I've been doing:

This next project has taken taken quite a few hours out of my weeks recently (one of the reasons I haven't blogged more frequently).

When I was in Nashville for Alyson's shower we had gone out shopping and saw some very cute crocheted scarfs and Alyson said we should learn to crochet...I bit my tongue because I didn't want to spoil the surprise. I hope they like it. The blanket has the same colors we used to paint Carter's room. It's been a true labor of love!
I'm putting the finishing touches on the blanket and after that I don't know what I'll do next. In the meantime, progress on the new house is coming along. We have our walk through on December 20th, which means we could move in that week. Yes, there is plenty on our plates to keep us busy until Carter's arrival. Once he's here though, all of our attention is on him. Two weeks in Nashville to do nothing but welcome our little guy, love on his parents and make sure they're comfortable and settled into their roles before we have to head back to Vegas. Southwest Airlines better watch out...we're going to get to know each and every crew member on their direct flights to Nashville, personally!

Heavenly Father,
It's true, time stands still for no one. And these last 8 months have gone by so quickly. Lord I pray that as these new few weeks go by I will not take one day for granted. Continue to show me the beautiful gifts you give me every day. The warmth of sunshine, the bluest of skies and even the crisp air of winter. I know these are gifts from You and more often than not, they go unnoticed, or even worse, I complain about them. I pray that when Your next gift to me, my grandson is presented, I will be able to share Your love as freely as you do. Help me to teach him about You and to know he is loved so very much by You. You are an awesome God and I'm am most grateful! Amen