Here's my day today:
Awake at 4:00 (can't sleep)
I'll be at work by 6:00 AM, because I'm putting together the 2nd Christmas Party in a week, and there's lots to do.
I'll put in my 8 hours (alright it will be a 14 Hour day, but who's counting)
Tonight is our First Wednesday service and I'll get home around 8:30PM (excuse me 14 l/2 hours)
Then tomorrow I'll do the same thing, except I'll be home by 6:00 (watch out I might do something crazy like sleep?...if I can)
I know for many my day is no different than yours...locations change, details are different, but we're all moving and doing so many things and just exhausting ourselves.
I think my exhaustion is more mental. After all, we're buying a house,(packing, or at least thinking about that, picking carpet and flooring and second guessing my choices) organizing schedules for our trip to Nashville, (did I mention I'm going to be a grandma? two weeks away from home and job requires taking care of a few details), shopping for Christmas ('s coming), working my job (which between October and December just goes crazy with Christmas, budgets, end of year evaluations...)...OK not MORE mental, but the mental part clearly adds to the fatigue.
I'll be February...I hope.
On a happier note we got to spend time with my nieces this past weekend. Melanie and her husband Brian hung out with us at Disneyland. It was great. Melanie took this picture

She actually photo shopped out the people in the background and many of you will be receiving it as your Christmas card (if I get to those this year).
The morning after Disneyland we went to breakfast with my other niece Shannon and I have great pictures of the girls, but I can't seem to download them to the blog....but I'll continue to work on that.
In the will continue to move at the break neck speeds and I must make a conscience choice to make my small part of the world slow down. I will enjoy this holiday season. I will not allow Satan to fill my life with so many "things to do" that I forget to enjoy today.
Today, I am one day closer to being Carter's grandma and whenever I think about that, my heart smiles even if my face sometimes doesn't show it.
I pray that today I will honor you with my time. That I will not be so busy I forget that I am Your instrument. That You may be placing someone in my path to share Your heart and Your smile, even when I don't think I have it to share. God, help me when the fatigue over takes me and makes me want to be sad and selfish to allow You to work through me. I know I can accomplish that if I allow You to be the Lord of my life. Help me to step back and allow You to take control.
Thank you for today and the promise of an eternity with You. That too, makes my heart smile. I love you Lord. Amen