I'm so excited! Alyson and Carter are coming to visit.
Things I want to do while they're here:
1) Show off Carter
2) Visit with my daughter
3) Watch the Today Show with Carter
4) Go shopping with Alyson & Carter
5) Show off Carter
6) Show off Carter
7) Show off Carter
8) Love on Carter
9) Love and Show off Carter
10)Love and Show off Carter's Mom
11)Did I mention I want to love and show off my family?
I'm sure Alyson might have a few things she'd like to do while she's here as well...we'll squeeze those in too!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Nashville's Cutest Baby!

Hello to all my friends and family,
For the past 2 months I’ve been telling you how CUTE my grandson Carter is. And without exception, when shown pictures, you’ve all agreed.
Well, now’s the time to separate those who truly BELIEVE he’s the cutest, from those who only SAY he’s the cutest.
Alyson & Mike have entered Carter in Nashville’s Most Photogenic Baby Contest. The rules are simple; the winner of the contest is chosen by the number of votes he gets. Each vote costs $.50 (that’s 50 cents) and the proceeds will go to benefit Vanderbilt’s Children’s Hospital.
We’re asking for your vote. Again each vote is costs 50 cents and you can vote as many times as you want.
You can cast your vote in a couple of different ways:
1) Make your checks out to: Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and send it to my home address at:
10396 Missoula Ct., Las Vegas, NV 89178 and I will forward to Alyson.
2) If you work with me, stop by my office with your checks or cash and I will forward to Alyson.
3) If you work with Chip, give him a call and hand him your big donation (come on railroaders, it’s going to benefit little kids who can really use it.) We will forward your contribution to Alyson.
4) If you need more information,you can e-mail me @ dawnbruner@cox.net and leave me your question or a phone number and I will call you back. You can then send me your check and I will forward to Alyson.
5) You can check out Alyson’s blog @ : http://thegillesfamily.blogspot.com and follow her directions for getting a check directly to her.
The winner of the contest gets a CD of all the pictures the photographer took and of course, BRAGGING RIGHTS. Not that I need to have judges or votes to give that to me, but how cool will it be to say, I personally know “Nashville’s Cutest Baby”? Not to mention it going for a great charity, Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital.
Cast your vote today. All the donations need to be to Alyson by April 9th in order to meet the deadline.
I love you all and can’t thank you enough for being so indulgent of me and my new found love, Carter!
Vote today!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Wow Moments
You've had them, haven't you? Those "wow" moments. Those moments that make you stop and say, "Wow!" It might have been a beautiful sunrise or possibly a sunset. The colors were beautiful. The clouds just perfect, catching the sunshine so amazingly. You're in awe. You know there is only ONE who could be responsible for this moment.
I've had a few "wow" moments in my life. The moment where I actually had to stop and catch my breath because the beauty of the moment was so overwhelming.
We drove Alyson and Mike's "stuff" to Nashville almost 2 years ago. Chip and I took our time and saw a few sights along the way. We stopped in Arizona to see the Grand Canyon. I've always lived within 10 hours of the Grand Canyon and I never "saw" it. I'm sure I flew over it or drove near it, but never saw it until this trip. We parked the Penske truck in the oversized parking area and walked to the area where we could catch the tram to the areas where you can "see" the canyon. As we approached the tram stop, Chip walked quickly to the area to wait for the next tram. I stopped him and said, "Please wait a minute, I want to a look." I went to the overlook and stood there, totally still. I was literally breathless as I looked at the canyon. From this vantage point, all I could see was the depth of the canyon, the beautiful colors, the manificance of this place. Not that I ever doubted it before, but I knew God existed at this moment. I could feel Him. I knew He had created this. He was there.
Another "wow" moment was being able to be there for Carter's birth. Watching this little person come into this world is a moment in my life I will forever hold dear. Even more so than the birth of my own children, (I was after all, pretty busy) watching Carter take his first breath, exercise his bodily functions (crying and peeing...all over the nurses) and trying to focus those precious eyes on all of us. I am in awe of God's amazing love and His grace. How did I get to be so lucky? So blessed? Some of the happiest moments in my life, my "wow" moments if you will, are the birth of all 3 of my children, seeing the Grand Canyon and holding my grandson in my arms for the first time. Those are the moments I want time to stand still for, so I can just soak it in.
Carter is now 2 months old. I'm shocked at how quickly time has gone by. In the last 2 months, Carter has grown approximately 4 inches and he's gained 4 lbs. He received 5 shots yesterday (3 on one thigh, 2 on the other) and 1 oral vaccine. Alyson cried as hard as Carter did I think. I was there about a week ago and I was amazed at how much he's developed. I saw him as he discovered his own hands! It truly fascinated him as he wondered where those came from! I literally saw him as he watched his mommy enter the room and I could see that he totally recognized her! It was truly a "wow" moment. God is good and I feel so honored to call them my family.
What are your "wow" moments? Stop for just a minute to reflect on those and give thanks to God!
Thank You. I don't deserve any of this and yet You allow me the honor of "wow" moments. Each time I experience a "wow" moment, it's confirmation to me to feel just how close You are. I am grateful!
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