Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Best News EVER!

A Grandmother's love letter to her unborn grandchild. My dear special angel: Saturday, May 6, 2006. We just received the best news. Your Mommy and Daddy called to tell us they were pregnant. Who am I you ask? I'm your Grandma. Your maternal grandmother to be exact. Now I don't know what you'll call me; Grandma, Grammy, Grandma Dawn or something of your own creation, that doesn't matter to me. I just want you to know how much you are loved already. Let me tell you a little bit about me, before I go on. My name is Dawn Marie (Webb) Bruner. I'm 51 years old. I've been married to your Grandfather Chip, for 32 years. We live in Las Vegas, NV and have, for the past 19 years. Your Mommy and Daddy both grew up in Las Vegas, but neither were born here. I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on August 17, 1954. Your great-grandparents (my parents) were Wayne (1930-1987) and Dorothy Webb. Great Grandma is still alive and doing very well. I can't wait to see her face when she finds out she is going to be a great-grandma again for the 5th time! You have 2 uncles (your mommy's brothers) Bryan (age 29) and Jeff (age 26 in a few days). Plus your daddy has a sister named Heather (she's 30 today). Your grandma and grandpa Gilles (Don & Diane) are awesome. I can't wait for you to meet everyone....but I'm getting way ahead of myself. I wanted to let you know what happened the first few minutes and the days, weeks and months that have led up to your birth...from the Grandma's perspective. I've talked to your Daddy and Mommy a couple of times since yesterday when they told us (well, I've talked to Mommy), and she's shared quite a bit of details of the weeks and months prior to your conception...(although thankfully, she left that part out). Your mommy and daddy had been trying very hard to have you. And as each month passed without an announcement, my heart broke along with theirs. Quietly I prayed for the day we would rejoice. And that day came for us, yesterday. A little background on me would include... I love kids. I always have. I've always had a special place in my heart for little ones and have always been able to connect with kids. Your mommy, her cousins and a lot of my co-workers, call me the "Baby Whisperer", because for the most part, I can quiet a baby and put them to sleep when most everyone else has given up. I usually say it's because I've bored them to sleep, but it's also because God has allowed me to share the love He has for them and now you, through me. For whatever reason, I feel His peace and unconditional love, when I'm around babies and small children and I think they feel that sense of calm I have. I've been honored to be able to really connect with so many kids, but there has always been a little piece of my heart that I've held back. And now I know I've held it back for you, my first grandchild. What joy my heart has as I think about you. Tears are streaming down my face and my heart swells with pride and joy as I think about you and your arrival. I want to be there when you're born. I pray I can be. But that's still a little ways off. Mommy says you will likely arrive into this world on or around January 3rd, 2007. I think it's the most perfect day! It's a brand new year and we'll start it with a brand new member of our family. We don't know yet if you'll be a boy or a girl. But God knows, and we have faith that is strong enough to believe that God knows what's best for us and we trust Him with our whole hearts. What a gift He has given me today. I am going to be someone's Grandma. Wow! Father in Heaven, Thank you for this precious gift, my first grandchild. Father, as this life is forming in it's mother's womb, I pray you will keep it safe. Help it to develop to full term and be delivered into this world a healthy infant. Lord, as God is my witness, I will help this child to know you, to love you and I will help to teach him or her about the unconditional love you have for him/her. I pray he/she grows to know you and chooses you as his/her Lord and Saviour. Lord, be with my daughter, Alyson and son-in-law Mike. Keep them safe from harm and help them to fully appreciate this time they have in anticipation of this new life. Help them to begin to prepare their home for this child. Help equip them with all the love, patience, rest, and spiritual readiness Lord as they patiently await the arrival of their son or daughter. Thank you God, for all the blessings you have so generously given to us. We are so unworthy. Thank you for your grace and mercy. May we continuously share that grace and mercy with everyone. In Jesus' name. Amen. I love you my precious Grandchild. And if you only knew how much and then measured that against how much God loves you, I believe you'll feel loved all the rest of your life. And that is my prayer. Your loving Grandma.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Completely made me cry Aunt Dawn!!
You are the best Aunt and a wonderful friend and I just know you will be an amazing Grandma!

Sweet baby Gilles, you are one lucky little boy! or girl!