Nicole walked up to me, holding baby Jack in her arms, and I asked if I could hold him. Without hesitation she handed him to me and my heart swelled with love and my eyes instantly filled with tears. You see, Jack at that very moment, represented my grandson-to-be, and my thoughts instantly went to the day I would watch him be born and just as quickly to the day I would have to leave him in Nashville and return to Las Vegas.
I don't know how I'm going to be able to do that. Many of my friends are now grandmothers and I have to ask you, how do you do it? I've been able to watch you be wonderful grandmas from across the United States and I don't know if I wasn't listening earlier, or if I just didn't get it, but I don't remember your stories on how hard it was for you. Please help me.
When I think about going back to Nashville to witness his birth, I'm just as excited as I can be, but when I let my mind go to that dreaded day I have to leave for the airport, I'm instantly crying.
Whatever advice you can offer dear friends, I'd love to hear it. Please pray for me.
In the meantime, Jack is a beautiful boy and a precious addition to our church family. I'm so glad he's a part of my life. (thanks R & N)
Update on our most recent trip to Nashville: The trip was perfect! We arrived on Thursday and after a brief yet disturbing "pat down" at the airport in Las Vegas, (a future post topic) we arrived on time. We awoke on Friday,ran a few errands, ending up at Home Depot (first of many, many trips to Home Depot that weekend) to purchase the paint, stains and supplies.
By noon on Friday we began the task of preparing the room for paint. We put on the first of 3 coats of paint. We divided the walls into 2 different sections (bottom l/3 was painted blue & the top 2/3 a beautiful cream color). Then the hard part began. We placed 3 inch chair rail moulding around the entire room. Chip carefully and painfully measured and cut each piece (thanks Mike M. measure twice, cut once or twice in some cases)while I put 3 coats of stain (1 coat red mahogany, 2 coats of ebony) and achieved just the right color to match the furniture. By Monday, we had transformed the "room" into the "nursery" where our little grandson would rest his little head. It is a room already filled with so much love.

In between coats of paint and allowing for drying time, Chip completed a healthy list of "Daddy Do" chores, which always makes his heart swell with pride, knowing he was able to help his daughter and son-in-law. The weekend in Nashville was truly a labor of love and we're so honored to have been able to do it!
Father God,
I am relying on you to give me the necessary strength for all the farewells to come. Granted they are only temporary and although it might sound like I'm complaining, Lord, I know how blessed I am. Thank You for the resources you've allowed us to have in order to make the necessary trips back and forth across the country. I know I'm more fortunate than most and I want to thank You! For reasons I trust You to reveal in Your time, I will accept I cannot be a part of our grandson's everyday life, in the traditional sense. I know, with Your help, I will be a "there" in some fashion and he will know me. With You as the bond we all share, may he always feel our love.
Oh my, this post just made me cry. It's probably because I will most likely still be 1,000 miles away from my parents when I have my first child. I really wish that wasn't going to be the case, but it might be.
I wish I had some great advice or sage wisdom, but if you happen to come across some, please forward it on so I can show my Mom! =)
A dear friend, who is a new grandma of 5 months, advised us to get a good webcam...she said "it's not the same as touching her, but I don't miss anything!" I'm off to Best Buy to purchase mine now! Thanks! Dawn
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