Welcome to the World, Carter Jeffrey!Born January 11, 2007 @ 12:25 AM8 lbs. 2 oz. - 21 l/2 inches long
Yes, it's taken me a while to write my first official "Grandma" post. But here it is. Why the delay you may ask? Well, we've been pretty busy and quite honestly it's been a little difficult for me to wrap my mind around this event. The flood of emotions have been incredible. From anticipation and excitement getting on the airplane in Vegas, to concern for Alyson and Carter, as we waited for decisions to be made about his delivery (see Alyson's blog). From me getting sick in the delivery room (yes, I almost fainted, more on that at another time) to total joy and elation when he was finally here! It's been the happiest roller coaster ride of emotions I have ever been on! And one of the emotions I'm totally dreading will happen on Friday, when we have to go home. I have already checked out Southwest Airlines for my next trip back, but the changes that will take place in Carter during that period of time will be unbelievable. And I don't want to go there yet, so....

We have seen changes in this little guy already, every single day. He has totally settled into a pretty predictable routine. Like all babies he does the "Big 3"...(eats, sleeps and poops) in 3 hour intervals. His awake and alert time is getting longer and longer and we can see him becoming more aware each and every day.
My favorite time of the day is early in the morning. After his 6 AM feeding, Alyson brings him to me and Carter and I watch the Today Show together. From 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM it's our time. Watching the Today Show at home will never be quite the same.
I'm so proud of Mike and Alyson. They are doing a great job learning how to be a family and share in this enormous responsibility. They are both so loving and encouraging to each other. Of course I'm not there at the 2 AM feeding, but I'm sure it's going well (smiles).
Mike had to fly to Los Angeles for an interiew this weekend at Kaiser Permanente. In approximately 18 months Mike is hoping to begin a Fellowship program in his specialized field of G.I. Medicine. They would like to do this a little closer to home if possible and nothing would make me happier if they were within driving distance. But we will support whatever decision they make for their family. He also had an interview at Vanderbilt on Wednesday. It went well and Carter was right there to wish his daddy good luck before he left.
Carter wishes his daddy good luck before his interview!We took Carter out for breakfast one morning before Uncle Jeff had to leave and go back home. Carter was so warm and cozy in his little carrier. He didn't once wake up allowing mommy and daddy a little quiet time to eat their breakfast.
Nothing but love for this little guy as he goes for breakfast to the Loveless Cafe!
Uncle Jeff was a favorite the week he was here. He babysat a couple of times so Mommy could do a few things (shower, nap, start a load of clothes)...

Thanks Uncle Jeff...it was fun! It's been a great first week and I feel so honored to be able to have been here and shared in it all. Thanks be to God for all of these blessings.
Stay tuned, lots more pictures have been taken to share with you all, very soon.
Lord, it has been a wonderful week here with my family. The day to day
changes of life and the miracles you have shown us have been so evident. Thank
you for the daily confirmations of your presence here with us. I pray for
my daughter and her husband. Lord, please grant them the wisdom and the patience for this next season of their lives. Lord, I pray they will seek you first in
all they do when it comes to decision for their family.
I pray for Carter. God, may Your blessings continue upon this child. May he
grow up healthy and feeling loved by his family and most importantly by You. May You show each of us how to demonstrate Your love on a daily basis to him and others.
Father I pray You will keep them all safe and healthy as they begin their life as a family together.
In Jesus' name I pray.
1 comment:
Aunt Dawn I had no idea you almost fainted in the delivery room! I MUST hear that story :)
I get sad every time I think of you having to leave because I know all too well how fast they change. :( I know Alyson will be great at keeping us updated with pictures of course! But I wish we ALL were closer to each other so we didn't miss these big moments.
Love you guys,
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