Well...it's been a year. Literally a year. A lot can happen in a year and it has. Where do I begin to catch everyone up on my life?
Carter is doing great! He was here in Las Vegas last week (in March) when Chip and I kept him while his parents went to Albuquerque, NM to check out the city and the housing situation. While they were gone we had him for the weekend and it seemed all was right with the world! He made us laugh so hard with his baby antics, his funny faces, silly noises and his attempts to communicate with us! He signs several words "banana", "milk" and "more". By the end of the weekend he was a little confused between "milk" and "more" and I'm sure it was our fault. Whatever he did was so darn cute and we just gave him what we thought he wanted....he just forgot what the correct sign was. By the time the folks came home, we were madly in love and he was so happy to see his parents! It was a win/win....if only Mike & Alyson had fallen in love with New Mexico. On the contrary, they absolutely hated it! We're praying over the next several months someone will come into their lives and share with them the beauty of the state and the next 3 years will not feel one day longer!
The above thoughts were shared after Alyson & Mike's visit to Las Vegas/ABQ in March 2008...and a so much has happened:

Most importantly: We're expecting Grandchild #2 in December and we're so excited! Carter's baby brother/baby sister is due around December 2, 2008. We're obviously praying for a healthy baby and the sex doesn't matter...but I think it's going to be a girl. Can't tell you why I think that, it might be wishful thinking... I know when I was pregnant with Alyson I thought the entire pregnancy she would be a boy. I had only boy's names picked out. When asked why I didn't think I would have a girl and why I didn't even pick a girl's name name just in case...all I could say was, "I didn't think I would be lucky enough to have a girl". I think Alyson will be lucky enough to have a girl!
Alyson & Mike are preparing for their move to ABQ, NM. They sold their house in Nashville, in literally record time. The house is so darn cute I could see how it would sell so quickly. My emotions are incredibly mixed about this move. I'm elated they will be so much closer to us here in Nevada, but when I think about them leaving Nashville, I get so darn emotional! We have loved, I mean really loved, their time in the south. The friends they've made, the lifelong friendships they have established is something to be envious of. All of our lives have been enriched by the friends Mike and Alyson have made in the South...I mean that sincerely. Todd & Jenn, we sincerely love, admire and respect you. Stephanie, from the first story of how you peeked in their window to hearing the stories of your wedding, you've held a special place in our hearts. Jon & Becky, we loved sharing family time (Thanksgiving) and family memories with you. From hearing all the stories of "Mocksgiving" to all the wedding showers & baby showers, we love you all...thank you for being there. We hope our paths will cross often and forever. To all the rest of their special friends; thank you, thank you, thank you, you've filled the "family "holes" when we couldn't be there and we're thankful!
Well, my emotions are on overdrive and the tears are flowing, so I'll end for tonight...more to follow very soon. I want Baby Gilles #2 to know we're as excited for his/her arrival as we were for his/her big brother's. I want him/her to know all of our thoughts, prayers and the anticipation we feel as we're waiting for his/her arrival...(how long is it before we can find out his/her's sex?)(smiles)
Father God,
I am so incredibly grateful for the blessings you have allowed me to have; a beautiful family, health, wonderful friends and a very nice life. Lord, I pray I will always share You with my famiy, give You thanks for my health and wonderful friends, and may You always hear the gratitude in my grateful heart and the thanksgiving and praise I give you for my life. I love you LORD!
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