What the __________ is up with this? And diesel is close to $5.00 per gallon!!!!!!!
Regardless, I am looking so forward to this trip! We'll be traveling over 1200 miles to ABQ in literally 3 days and 2 nights...3 adults, (One old, one grumpy and one pregnant *wink-wink*)one toddler and two busy puppies and YES, I'm really looking forward to it! We'll be traveling in two vehicles (moving van and the Gilles SUV). The first night we'll be staying in Little Rock, AK, night two we plan to be in Amarillo, TX and finally in ABQ on the third day. I've been looking for little toys/games/any distractions for Carter to play with during those long, long days of travel. But Alyson told me yesterday she hooked up the portable DVD player in their car to try it out, and Carter loves it! She says we're "golden" as far as keeping him occupied. Turns out he loves watching DVD's and we shouldn't have a problem as long as we keep his favorites in the player!
The unfortunate part is Mike will have to stay behind in Nashville for a couple of days after we leave. He isn't finished at Vanderbilt until June 17th, so we'll load up, head west and he'll join us a few days later. Good news is Uncle Jeffy will be flying to ABQ to help unload the moving van and to help them get settled and we're very grateful for that!
Here's a few pictures of their really great house in ABQ:
Chip and I made a run out to ABQ to take a look at the new homestead. We're very happy they were able to find such a nice house.
The great room, off the kitchen will be a great place for entertaining!
Well, as I said, we're looking forward to this trip. We do covet your prayers for travel mercies, patience, flexibility and lots of grace!
Gracious Heavenly Father,
We ask your special blessing on us all as we prepare for this trip. Help us to figure out all the necessary details and to let the small stuff roll off our backs. Be with Alyson and Mike as they pack up the home they love and prepare their hearts for the new location that You have called them to. Allow all the tasks and preparations necessary just fall into place and allow them plenty of time to be with friends they must say goodbye to for now.
We know Father that when you called them to Nashville, we didn't know what to expect and Your blessings were abundant. We trust that Albuquerque will be no different. Please keep the fear of the unknown and the anxieties at bay. We pray they lean on You during this transition.
We love you so much and thank you for allowing our family to be a little closer to us here in Vegas.
With a grateful loving heart I lift this up to you. Amen