I can't wait until we find out the sex of the baby. Ever since the announcement, I've been patient and content calling it "the baby". But now I'm ready to start making purchases for my grandchild. And I'd love for it to be bought with the specific intent of it being for either a boy or a girl! I think they may find out the sex within the next month...maybe sooner! I can't wait!!!
I don't have a preference and I know my daughter and her husband don't either. We'll be happy with a healthy baby, 10 fingers/10 toes etc...but it sure will be nice to know. And honestly that surprises me! I have always felt that not knowing the sex of your baby until it was born, was one of the last, true surprises left in this world. But my feelings have changed...along with having an epidural. I had 3 babies, all natural deliveries...not even a Tylenol to "take off the edge". But after being in the labor room with our friend Rebecca and watching her go through labor with a virtual party in her room...I'm a believer...bring on the epidural, if that's what you want!
So, I must wait one more week. I can do it...it's only 7 days...let the countdown begin!

Here we are on the day of her bridal shower. Isn't she beautiful? I'll share a photo of us when I return!
Gracious, most wonderful Father in heaven,
Again I come to You with a most grateful heart. You have blessed me, far more than I deserve. I have a wonderful family. I have good health and wonderful friends. You have given me wisdom in many areas of my life, and You have shown me Your grace and Your mercy, every day. Father, I thank you. I feel Your love and am thankful to You. I pray I will honor You each and every day and ask Your forgiveness when I fall short. I continue to ask that You keep my grandchild safe and protected in it's mother's womb. We're anxious to know him or her, but find a peace in knowing You already know everything about this child, this gift. And that it is loved, already more than we can ever know. Thank you again! We love you! Amen
1 comment:
I hope you have a wonderful time with Alyson. You are such a loving mother... she's lucky to have you! Your post reminds me just how much I miss my mom. It's hard living far away from your parents, but it makes the visits home so special. Have a safe trip!
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