The Weekend
Did you ever have one of those times when everything just fell into place? You know, where the weather was perfect, your timing right on and even your hair cooperated? I just had one of those weekends. Sure there were things that could have been different, but nothing was going to spoil this weekend. Even the fact that the fireflies stood me up, wasn't going to ruin it. My disposition was so perfect, I've already forgiven those silly little critters for believing that 100 degree weather and 50% humidity was just too much for them. It's all good! My time in Nashville couldn't have been more perfect.
My flight to Nashville was uneventful and Mike and Alyson were waiting for me in the terminal, I might add WITH my luggage already retrieved from baggage claim!(see what I mean about everything falling into place?)We got to their house and after properly greeting the "grandpuppies", Briley & Brody

Friday morning came and we enjoyed a slower morning. Alyson gave me a quick run down on the do's and don'ts of digital scrapbooking (can't wait to start that), read through our e-mails and left on time, for our pedicures! What fun....the store owner's little girl, 2 l/2 yr old Morgan, took quite a liking to me and gave me love! I guess she could tell I was an expectant grandma and wanted to give me a little glimpse at what smiling all the time was going to feel like!
After our pedicures it was off to the Oprayland Mall. We had a great lunch and then we hit the maternity shops. Alyson tried on a ton of clothes and looked beautiful in everything. I was surprised to see that in Motherhood Maternity stores they actually have pregnancy pillows to slip under your clothes to help you gauge what this outfit will look like as the mommy progresses in her pregnancy. That was fun!
We made our purchases and explored a little more of the mall,which by the way is huge! We then began our search for a book that comes highly recommended from several pregnant mommies at our church. It's called "Supernatural Childbirth" by Terry & Jack Mize. Barnes and Noble in the Oprayland mall didn't have it but called another store for us and they said they would hold it for us. We traveled a few miles to the Cool Springs Mall to pick it up, all the while just enjoying each other's company. After picking up the book, we headed back to the house, where Mike was resting. He had just come off a 36 hour shift at the hospital and had only gotten a few winks. He was tired. We let him sleep as we prepared dinner and went outside to wait on the arrival of the fireflies! I had a glass of merlot, Alyson a glass of Welches Grape Juice and we settled in and waited, and waited and waited. As we waited, more and more neighbors made their way through the neighborhood for their evening walks. Unlike people in Nevada, these people actually wave and say hello to people on the street. It's true what they say about "southern hospitality", there's nothing like it! I'm sad to report though, that the fireflies (or lightning bugs) were a no show. I said earlier that I have forgiven them, however they should note; I'm coming back in 1 month and they'd better be there!

My final day in Nashville with Alyson and Mike was spent having breakfast at the Loveless Cafe, a tour of the Belle Meade plantation,

So, to the average person, this weekend might sound like "any weekend, 2006" but to me, it was the bonding of a mother's heart to her pregnant daughter and her child. I needed this weekend, like I needed air. Mike & Alyson, thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me such great hospitality and love. I'm so proud you will be the parents of my grandchild! I love you!

Father God, thank you for all the gifts you have allowed me to have. The family I enjoy, the job I have that allows me to be able to make trips such as this one. Happiness, that I know Father, only comes from you. Forgive me for the times, and there are many, when I take them all for granted. I "needed" this weekend Father to connect with my pregnant daughter and God, when I think about that "need" it causes me to pause and think about you and how you want me to connect with you in just that way. If my daughter had rejected me, in any way this weekend, Lord it would have crushed me, yet I reject you, when I'm too busy to pray or to be in Your Word, or when I make choices that I know you don't want me to make. I ask for Your forgiveness God and pray that I will be the daughter you've always wanted. That the times we spend together will be times You want to savor and enjoy. I love You God! Amen
1 comment:
I love you, Mom! I can't wait until Saturday! Only 1 more day until you can bond even more with your grandchild. That weekend was more perfect, and more needed, than you can ever know. God is good, and I praise Him everyday for giving me a mother like you. See you soon, for another perfect visit! (This time, we can shop for a definite color scheme! haha) Love you! love, Alyson
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