And we couldn't be happier! Here's the announcement I made for my office door...who's proud?!!!
Yes, it was worth the wait. Alyson and Mike found out on Thursday, August 3rd when they visited the doctor. The receptionist at her doctor's office made a "mistake" and accidently put the wrong date down on the paperwork stating Alyson was 20 weeks into her pregnancy not the actual 18 weeks.They normally don't do the ultrasounds until the 20th week...which would be after the planned baby shower and visit to Las Vegas, so the receptionist was able to assist just a little. However that ultrasound tech was bright, although her "bedside manner" left something to be desired, she saw immediately that our little one was only at 18 weeks gestation. Oops! All went well though and they were able to determine the sex.
Prior to the ultrasound, Alyson sent out an e-mail to all her family and friends and told them, under no circumstance was anyone going to find out the gender until Sunday, August 6th, when they were in Vegas. They weren't able to tell most of us in person they were pregnant and they really wanted to see all of our faces when the big announcement was made as to the sex.
Mike's parents invited us all over for dinner. Everyone was there; Don, Diane, Heather (Mike's family) and us (Chip and Dawn), Bryan & Kerry, Jeffrey & Monica (Alyson's family) and great-grandma Dodi. We had to wait for Heather to get off work and when she got there, Alyson and Mike popped in the video and we watched...and waited...finally after verifying all body parts were there (head, heart, hands, feet etc) we got to the right area...it's confirmed IT'S A BOY!
Tears of happiness and joy followed with lots of questions as to names, nursery themes, colors, etc. followed. It was a night to remember!
Gracious, Heavenly Father,Giver of Life and Creator of All,
You are amazing God! You have created this little being and more important you knew it was a HE, long before we knew he would BE. Thank you for this little gift. This gift that has brought us closer together as family and friends. This gift that will forever weave us closer as two separate families...now we are one family. Thank you for the miracle of birth. Again we lift up this precious child and his parents and we ask your arms of protection be wrapped tightly around them and keep them safe. We thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen
congrats gma!
Happy Birthday, Grandma! :)
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