Or the other working title:
The Stripper, The Church Lady and GodSo, before I tell you about my day I want to share this with you. We had our boys over for dinner on Sunday night. Alyson called us on the webcam and we got to "talk" with Carter. Jeffrey snapped several pictures during the "conversation".

I haven't heard Carter laugh that hard ever. It was great!
At the end of every day I give thanks to God for the gifts of my family. And after a day like today, I'm especially grateful.
Let me tell you about my day:Today started out just like any other day except instead of having to go into the office, we were able to start our "work" day from home. See today was a mandatory prayer day at The Crossing, meaning once a quarter, we close down the office and send our staff out to spend the day with God. We've been doing this on the 5th Tuesday of the month for probably 3-4 years. It usually ends up being an amazing day for most of us. After our prayer day, during the next week, we have our all staff meeting and the staff brings back their stories of how they encountered God on their prayer day. It can be anything from a beautiful sunrise, to a friendly smile from a stranger. Someone always has a "God sighting" they can share. Our prayer days have become a very welcome time when we can get our spiritual tanks filled up again.
My plan was to take a bike ride with God first thing this morning. That was
MY plan. I was going to ride through our community and pray for neighbors and people and then come home to listen to some worship music and journal for a while to see what God would like me to do next. That was MY plan...it's pretty obvious God had another. I was on the last leg of my bike ride with only half mile to go before I got back home, when off to my right a car didn't stop at a stop sign and I was struck by car. Yes, you read right, I was struck by a car.
Her name is Kaylene. She was driving a 2008 Lexus. She'd been up all night at her "job". She raced home to change clothes because she had to go pick up her boyfriend and take him to the airport and was hurrying to meet him. She didn't even stop at the stop sign. She looked right and I was on her left. She never looked left.
That particular intersection is notorious for having people blow through the stop sign. I see it every day. No exaggeration...EVERY day! As I was approaching the intersection I made a mental note to be extra careful because of past observations at that corner. Two cars before the Lexus rolled through the stop sign...didn't stop. I looked past the entry and saw the white car, but knew I had plenty of time and I could proceed, cautiously, yet safely. I kept my eye on the car...she sped up, looked right as she approached the corner. I slowed down, keeping what I thought was a safe enough distance, believing she would look left and see me and stop...she never did. In fact, she looked right, saw an oncoming truck and I assume, figured if she gave it a little gas and accelerated, she could beat the truck. She made a sharp left turn, continuing to accelerate...I yelled three times at her while she made the turn right into me! She hit the front tire of my bike and knocked me off it, right onto the pavement.
I immediately sat up and said, "What were you thinking! You didn't even look! What's wrong with you!!!!!!!!!!!" She got out of her car and said; "I'm sorry hon, I didn't even see you. I've been up all night and I'm late for picking up my boyfriend. Can I give you $300 to fix your bike? I'll give you my personal information". Seriously, that's what she said! I just sat on the ground, completely shaking and crying. A witness (whose name I will find out) stopped to make sure I was OK and to see if I wanted him to call for help. I said yes. I was so upset and shook up, I seriously didn't know if I was hurt. I couldn't believe this little girl (probably 20...driving a brand new Lexus SUV????) just hit me with her car.
Within a few minutes a policeman showed up and a short time after that the paramedics showed up. They checked me out and aside from an elevated heart rate and B/P(geez, wonder why) I was OK. Banged up and bruised, but OK.
I called Chip, who was heading to California for work. By the time I reached him he was already in Baker. He was ready to come home, but after just a few minutes I knew I was OK and there was no real need for him to come back.
I received a copy of the police report and Kaylene received a traffic ticket.

She was cited for "Failure to stop at a stop sign and something about hitting a non motorist" (bike rider)...she'll have to appear in court. She did tell the cops she'd recently received another ticket for speeding, near her school. I'm not surprised.
After about 45 minutes, we were done and I was left with my bike, afraid to get on it again having to get myself home. Just the thought of getting back on the bike and riding the couple of blocks to my house overwhelmed me. I walked it the rest of the way. I called Chip and he kept me company and my mind from racing until I walked in the door.
Once inside the house, I fell apart. The adrenaline rush was wearing off and my body ached from head to toe. My thoughts raced through all the "what ifs" and I couldn't stop crying. Around noon, exhausted and achy I laid on the couch. I started to doze when I heard breaking news on the TV about the earthquake in California. The phone immediately rang and my mom was on the other end wanting to know if I heard about the earthquake. We contacted all our family and friends and were extremely relieved to hear they were all OK. My sister and niece Shannon live in Fullerton and LaHabra and my other niece Melanie lives in Corona, CA. They're all fine, very shook up and my little nephews are worried about when the next "earth shake" will come, but all in all, everyone is fine. I heard from Chip who was in Barstow at the time of the earthquake and although he felt it, it doesn't appear as if the railroad suffered any damage. We were all very lucky today.
So, that was my day. Not the day I had planned in my mind; the picture perfect prayer day, my Bible, my journal, my God and me. Nope. So, what was God's plan for me in this crazy day? Where should my focus and prayers be directed? One thing for sure is I'm very thankful for my family and friends. The countless phone calls, text messages and emails from people who love me, wanting to make sure I was OK...I've never felt so loved and cared for.
The other thing I think is, as my frustration and anger over my little accident subsides, I can't help but wonder if I was also being used by God, in a lesson He might have been showing Kaylene? I don't mean to sound arrogrant about this at all. Forgive me if it sounded that way, but what if...? What if God, in His wisdom, is using me in some way to show Kaylene who He is?
If I didn't have a prayer plan before, I do now. Will you join me in that prayer?
Father God,
Thank you for being with me today and for keeping me safe. Although shakin' up and scared I knew You were in control the whole time and I'm thankful. God, I lift up Kaylene to you. Lord, she is your child and although I don't know if she knows you, I do know she needs you. If your plan is for me to be used in some way to show You to her, I will do it. Please help me to be bold and unafraid. I will follow where you lead.
Thank you for all my family and friends. You have truly blessed me.
In Jesus' name. Amen