After a pretty quick lunch, everyone got back to work and by dinnertime, the truck was completely unloaded and not a single casualty...Good job guys!
Once the truck was unloaded,the task of putting together all the beds was number one on the "to do" list. It was late, but everything got done on that first day that we hoped would. Alyson was so tired of eating out that she decided if we found the pots and pans in the mountain of boxes, she was cooking dinner for us all. Lucky for us we did (little does she know we all stopped our jobs and sought out that specific box...wink, wink) She made Thai Sesame Chicken that was delicious! We were all impressed and very thankful for the home cooked meal!
Monday morning came way to early, but once we were awake the task of emptying more boxes and finding new places to put them began.
Carter charmed us all as we took our mini breaks to play with him as we waited for the cable guy to show up and install the cable and internet. Carter loves to put anything over his head to hide his eyes and then walk around and bump into things.
It's hysterical. He doesn't do this slowly and cautiously, he walked until he bumps into something or someone, then laughs hysterically...the laughter is so contagious!
Mike's last day of work ended around 11:00 AM this morning and he hit the road around 1:45 PM. He made it to the Little Rock area and will stay at Todd Bauer's parent's house tonight. He'll head west tomorrow morning and the plan is to try and drive all the way through, unless he gets too fatigued. If he can make it all the way through, he'll be here sometime Tuesday, otherwise he'll get into ABQ on Wednesday.
Well, I will try and take more pictures of the house now that the 'stuff' is put away. I can't believe how nicely things are coming together. Alyson couldn't do a lot of the lifting, but she's worked her tail off getting things put away. Everything is looking amazing!
Please remember Mike in your prayers. Until tomorrow...
We lift Mike up to you as he travels to Albuquerque. May his trip be as uneventful as our was. May he arrive here rested and ready to pitch in to make this house their home. We ask for clear skies and safe, courteous drivers on the road.
We thank you for all the blessings you've given us on this trip and everyday. We are so unworthy of them, yet you keep giving them to us. We love you Lord, may everyone who meets us, see a glimpse of You.
In Jesus' Name...Amen
PS: Alyson has been receiving frequent calls from the 'friends' from Nashville. Sounds like just about everyone is finishing up their business in Nashville and are leaving or have left for their new locations. Everyone is very sad and somewhat homesick already, but they're moving forward! Good luck are loved and will be missed terribly! May God bless you on this new leg of your journey.
Take care...
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