Last night in Little Rock we had a severe thunderstorm that went on all night long. The lightning and thunder was like nothing I've never seen or heard before! I thought for sure Carter and the dogs would have been kept up all night with the noise, but Alyson said they pretty much slept right through it. I forgot, they've lived with these kinds of storms for the last three years!
We decided to hit the road at 5:30 AM and get a jump on the day. We weren't too far off schedule, we actually left at 5:45 AM and it was still raining, but within an hour it had cleared up and we had great weather the rest of the day.
Today's journey took us over 600 miles, which I wouldn't recommend to anyone. It was a very long day...but it's over. I honestly don't remember what time it was when we rolled into the La Quinta in Amarillo, TX. The last several hours are a blur. We got in our rooms and it immediately began raining and severe thunderstorms are in the forecast for tonight.
Once we got settled into our rooms, had a little dinner, Carter had a bath and then he came over to our room where he watched NOGGIN videos on the computer.
There's nothing better, after a very long day on the road, than to chill with "Pop Pop", aka Grandpa, and friends from
Tomorrow should be a relatively easy day in comparison. We plan to leave by 5:00 AM and be in Albuquerque by 11:00 AM. Uncle Jeffy is flying in around 1:30 PM to help unload the truck and leaving at that time will get us in ABQ in plenty of time to pick him up.
Here are a few pictures from the last several days:
The moving van outside of their Nashville home:
Chip's little bump on his "noggin"'s doing much better today.
Here's the moving van completely full. Please pray that everything arrives in ABQ in the same condition as it was packed. The roads in Oklahoma were the worst and Chip said he's sure the load shifted.
This has been a great couple of days. And, as we get ready to wind this trip down, again we give You thanks for it all. We're so grateful our family will be moving closer. We pray they will find ABQ the perfect place for them during these next three years. May Mike's time at this hospital teach him everything he needs to know to take into his own field of medicine. God, You have gifted him and we trust in the plans You already have laid out for him. You are the Ultimate Healer and we give you the praise!
"Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done."
Philippians 4:6, NLT
Let me just say right here, thank you for all your prayers. We have felt them and appreciate them more than you'll know.
When we arrive in ABQ tomorrow our internet access may be limited as the cable won't be installed until Monday at the new house. So this could be the final post until we get back home to Vegas. Don't worry if you don't see anything for a couple of days, I'll recap very soon.
God Bless!
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