Today was a good day. Weather was relatively cooperative. We hit a major thunderstorm a few miles out of Nashville, but other than that we had plenty of sunshine.
We arrived in Little Rock, Arkansas at 5:00 in the afternoon. It was, thankfully, a pretty uneventful drive. We split the puppies up, Alyson & I took Briley and Chip took Brody. When they aren't together, they do better. (more on the puppies in a minute)
Carter hung in there like a champ early in the day. By late afternoon, he had enough of being in the car. No video, toy and silly games seemed to do the trick. Thankfully, when we arrived at the hotel there was a pool and it turned his little attitude around. He loved it! I have some cute video I'll post on You Tube in the next couple of days.
When we finished swimming, Chip ran out and brought back Chinese food. It was yummy and we're very grateful he did the running. Thanks Chip! While we enjoyed our dinner, Carter was playing on the floor with the puppies and the next thing we heard was growling, squeeling and then tears. Briley had gotten upset with Carter and bit his little face. Thankfully, it was a superficial did draw a little blood, but within 5 minutes Carter was back to his normal self and I'm not so sure Briley will be the same...we're watching him like a hawk and scolding him every chance we get.
Please keep the prayers going for us.
Until tomorrow in Amarillo...
We ask your continued presence on this trip. We pray for protection as we travel and as we try and rest between stops. Lord, heal Carter's little face quickly and let there be no adverse effects from the incident.
Please be with Mike as he's separated from his family. I sure the miles between them must feel like a million, especially when Carter got hurt.
We pray for a restful night tonight and a great day tomorrow.
And these things we ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
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