Look what I grew!! I know, I really am getting old! In April I planted a little garden. I didn't know anything about gardening, but I wanted to try. I read a little on the internet and decided I would give it a shot. I planted a cherry tomato plant and 60+ days later this is what I have! I had a little salad the other day and went out in the backyard and picked tomatoes off the vine to complete the salad! Perfect and so delicious! I've decided that next year I'll go bigger and I plan to plant several different varieties of tomatoes. I also want to try and grow some squash and zucchini! Happy Gardening!

My thumb might not be green, but it's getting there!
We've been back from "vacation" for almost a week now. We seriously needed a vacation to recover from our vacation. We're so happy we were able to help Alyson, Mike and Carter with this move. Alyson & Mike are getting settled into the new house. Mike's folks went out to ABQ last weekend and made tremendous progress in the backyard...it looks amazing. I'll try and get some pictures the next time we're out there.
Here are a few pictures I took of the house before we left for the airport last Tuesday:
As you can see Alyson busted her bottom and got the house in really good shape before Mike got home!
I think she mentioned she has 15 boxes in the garage still left to unpack, but they're going to wait awhile. They're going to enjoy the next week before Mike starts work at the hospital by exploring Albuquerque. We're all looking forward to learning more about the city Baby Gilles #2 will call it's birthplace.
Speaking of Baby Gilles #2, we should find out if we're expecting a baby boy or a baby girl on July 9th. We can't wait! Alyson is actually feeling very good. While we were there moving, cleaning and packing you would never have known she was expecting. Her energy level, her attitude the way she kept going, she inspired us all. Way to go Alyson!
Update on the injuries that occured during the move:
*Chip's head is completely healed. His hair will cover the scar.
*Carter's little face healed very quickly. Within 2-3 days you couldn't even tell he'd been bitten. (The dog is still being watched very closely!)
*The cardinal...is in heaven!
This will be the last post about the trip across country. Again, we thank you for all your prayers and your notes and calls of encouragement. The Gilles' will possibly be moving again in 3 - 4 years....By then this memory may be like childbirth. You know, when you forget the bad parts of the experience and only remember the good and we'll probably make ourselves available to help again. Although by then, they'll probably be able to afford to hire professional movers!
I leave you with this adorable picture of our little guy enjoying a popsicle. Oh, it's good to be a kid!
We thank you for all the blessings you gave us on this trip. Safe travel, a wonderful time together, the beautiful scenery, the patience, the endurance, etc. Thank you for being with us every mile of the trip.
We ask your continued blessings on the Gilles family has they settle into the routines of their new home. May they see Albuquerque through Your eyes and feel the peace in knowing they are in Your will.
May we be with them all again soon.
In Jesus' Name,