Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Countdown Continues

Look at this! We're out of the triple digits on our countdown! 99 more days until our love grows and the snugglefest begins!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 22, 2006


Out of the tree of life, I just picked me a plumb
You came along and everything started to hum
Still it's a real good bet, the best is yet to come

The best is yet to come, and won't that be fine
You think you've seen the sun, but you ain't seen it shine

Wait till the warm-up is underway
Wait till our lips have met
Wait till you see that sunshine day
You ain't seen nothin' yet

The best is yet to come, and won't that be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day that your mine

September 22, 1978

A day like any other day except…I was 9 months pregnant and ready to pop. Actually, I still had 3 days to go before the actual due date, but I had been ready for a long time.
This was my second pregnancy. I had a two-year old boy Bryan, anxiously waiting for the day he would be the big brother. Could today be the day?

We woke up at our normal time and Chip got ready to go to work. I was having contractions but heck, I’d been through this before and it didn’t quite seem like I was ready. I encouraged Chip to go to work, promising I would call if the contractions grew closer or stronger. I tried going back to bed but by this time the contractions were 5 minutes apart. No sooner had Chip gotten into the office and I thought I’d better call. I told him I thought he needed to come home and he immediately headed back to the house. By the time he returned, the contractions had stopped. It was crazy! They had been 5 minutes apart for a couple of hours and suddenly they stopped! Chip said he wasn’t driving back to work, so he suggested we go do something. We decided to call my younger sister Eileen and ask her to come watch Bryan. We thought we’d go to the mall, walk around a little bit and price out Sees Suckers vs. cigars to make our big announcement. Back then, having an ultrasound to let us know the sex of the baby just wasn’t done. They only did ultrasounds if there was a potential risk to either the mother or the baby. Thankfully, there was nothing to indicate a problem with either of us. It had been a perfect pregnancy from day one. So, we would have to wait to see if the baby was a boy or a girl, which meant we would have to wait to buy the suckers or cigars, because they either came with pink stickers or bands or blue and we didn’t know what we would need.

After carrying and delivering a boy 2 years prior, I was pretty sure I was having another boy. Secretly, I wanted a girl desperately, but never considered myself a lucky person, so I resigned myself to the fact that this baby was a boy. But I’m getting ahead of my story.

Once we were at the mall the contractions were getting closer and closer. After having gone through 14 hours of labor with baby number 1, I promised myself I wasn’t going to spend that much time in the hospital, prior to delivery. I remember walking into the cigar shop at the mall and having a huge contraction. The salesman was showing us cigars and asked me when the baby was due. I took a deep cleansing breath, exhaled through my nose and said, “anytime”. The salesman’s eyes grew wide and I turned to Chip and said, “I think we’d better head to the hospital”. I suddenly had an immediate flashback to when I gave birth to my first child. We were at dinner when my water broke. It was a little embarrassing to say the least, and now, to be in the middle of the mall and have my water break, well for being 9 months pregnant, I walked really fast!

We left the store, not making a purchase, stopped by the house to pick up the bag and went directly to the hospital. By this time it was 2:00 PM. They checked me and I was dilated to 6…they were going to admit me!

The rest of the afternoon is a blur because it went by so quickly and it was “textbook perfect”. My doctor showed up in a very good mood. He checked me out and said it won’t be long. Within a few hours Chip was advised to go “scrub up and change” and before we knew it I was wheeled into the delivery room.

The delivery couldn’t not have been more perfect. Everything about it was exactly as if it came from a textbook (according to my doctor). By the time I was ready to deliver, the doctor was singing, “The best is yet to come and won’t it be fine?”

After just a few healthy pushes Dr. Juario proudly announced, “it’s a girl!” Imagine my surprise! I was lucky after all! She was born at 6:29 PM at Queen of the Valley hospital in West Covina, CA. She weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and was 21” long. She was beautiful…but wait…what were we going to name her? I was so certain “she” would be a “he” I hadn’t considered any girl names. Over the next 24 hours we got to know our little girl a little better and chose a name I loved the minute I first heard it… She would be named Alyson.

Back in the delivery room Dr. Juario continued to sing that same song. To this day it makes me smile whenever I hear it. Alyson and Mike even chose that song to be played at their wedding, during their recessional.

It’s true, “The best is yet to come…” and it continues in January 2007. Did I tell you I’m going to be a grandma? Happy Birthday Alyson. May your baby boy bring you the same joy and happiness you've given to us! We love you!

Gracious Heavenly Father,
28 years seems like a very long time to us, but to you it’s like a nano second. 28 years for us is filled with good times and bad times. For You, as You look down at us, I pray it’s been filled with mostly good times. Times and events that, as we went through them and wondered why, You looked at us and knew why and what the outcome would be. You chose those times to mold us and to shape us and to help us cling to You even more.
Thank you for each lesson You gave us. I pray we’ve learned well and have made you smile in delight. Thank you for loving me so much, You gave me the deepest desire of my heart, to be the mother of a little girl. I thank you and love you so much. Amen.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today's Decision

Everyday we make hundreds of decisions; "What shall I wear today?", "Where will I go for lunch?", "What shall we watch on TV tonight?" etc. Pretty mindless for the most part. But then, there are those decisions that require much more thought, much more planning and consideration; "Should I say 'yes'?" "When should we start our family?" (by the way, did I tell you I'm going to be a grandma? A little boy, due in January) and the one we've been wrestling with, "where should we buy our next home?"

Tonight that decision was made. When our little grandson comes for his first visit to Grandma's house, he'll be coming to our new home at Mountain's Edge, a master planned community here in Las Vegas.(Note I'm trying to insert a link, and it's not happening.) We've chosen a single story home (2,100 sq. ft) in a beautiful, gated neighborhood with a huge park planned within walking distance. I see many hours of fun at the community center pools, as well as at the park!

I'm thrilled, to say the least! Am I looking forward to the hard work ahead of us, such as picking floor tiles and carpet, choosing paint schemes and color patterns? Not to mention, planning and planting the backyard. Not so much. We've done this before and it's hard work! I am however, looking forward to making this house a home. A place for our family and friends to feel welcomed and loved.

You are so good to me and I am so undeserving. You have given me a true gift when you gave me my husband. These last several months I have witnessed a transformation. A transformation of a mindset I did not think would be or could be changed.(my mindset or his?) I limited Your power, as I often do. Forgive me. Allow me to fully appreciate the change and not take it for granted. I pray I will continually draw from the strength You give to me and lavish in the peace the comes from You. Lord, I give you all the credit, glory and honor. Amen

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How Am I Going To Do It?

Our friends Nicole and Rob have a new baby, Jack. Jack is 2 months old and I got to hold him for the first time last Wednesday. Not because I didn't want to hold him sooner, but the opportunity never presented itself. Until Wednesday night.

Nicole walked up to me, holding baby Jack in her arms, and I asked if I could hold him. Without hesitation she handed him to me and my heart swelled with love and my eyes instantly filled with tears. You see, Jack at that very moment, represented my grandson-to-be, and my thoughts instantly went to the day I would watch him be born and just as quickly to the day I would have to leave him in Nashville and return to Las Vegas.

I don't know how I'm going to be able to do that. Many of my friends are now grandmothers and I have to ask you, how do you do it? I've been able to watch you be wonderful grandmas from across the United States and I don't know if I wasn't listening earlier, or if I just didn't get it, but I don't remember your stories on how hard it was for you. Please help me.

When I think about going back to Nashville to witness his birth, I'm just as excited as I can be, but when I let my mind go to that dreaded day I have to leave for the airport, I'm instantly crying.

Whatever advice you can offer dear friends, I'd love to hear it. Please pray for me.
In the meantime, Jack is a beautiful boy and a precious addition to our church family. I'm so glad he's a part of my life. (thanks R & N)

Update on our most recent trip to Nashville: The trip was perfect! We arrived on Thursday and after a brief yet disturbing "pat down" at the airport in Las Vegas, (a future post topic) we arrived on time. We awoke on Friday,ran a few errands, ending up at Home Depot (first of many, many trips to Home Depot that weekend) to purchase the paint, stains and supplies.

By noon on Friday we began the task of preparing the room for paint. We put on the first of 3 coats of paint. We divided the walls into 2 different sections (bottom l/3 was painted blue & the top 2/3 a beautiful cream color). Then the hard part began. We placed 3 inch chair rail moulding around the entire room. Chip carefully and painfully measured and cut each piece (thanks Mike M. measure twice, cut once or twice in some cases)while I put 3 coats of stain (1 coat red mahogany, 2 coats of ebony) and achieved just the right color to match the furniture. By Monday, we had transformed the "room" into the "nursery" where our little grandson would rest his little head. It is a room already filled with so much love.

In between coats of paint and allowing for drying time, Chip completed a healthy list of "Daddy Do" chores, which always makes his heart swell with pride, knowing he was able to help his daughter and son-in-law. The weekend in Nashville was truly a labor of love and we're so honored to have been able to do it!

Father God,
I am relying on you to give me the necessary strength for all the farewells to come. Granted they are only temporary and although it might sound like I'm complaining, Lord, I know how blessed I am. Thank You for the resources you've allowed us to have in order to make the necessary trips back and forth across the country. I know I'm more fortunate than most and I want to thank You! For reasons I trust You to reveal in Your time, I will accept I cannot be a part of our grandson's everyday life, in the traditional sense. I know, with Your help, I will be a "there" in some fashion and he will know me. With You as the bond we all share, may he always feel our love.