Thirty years ago today, I was 21. Think about it. Me at 21...51 seemed so far away and it seemed so old! 21 seems like yesterday. What is it "they" say?
"Today's 50 is like yesterday's 30." I believe it. I wonder though, when my mom's generation turned 50, did they think they were better off than their mothers at 50? Hmmm, makes me wonder.
Anyway, thirty years ago today, I declared it as the happiest day of my life! You see, thirty years ago today I gave birth to my first born son, Bryan.
Going back to my first post on this blog, I mentioned Chip and I getting married at 19 & 20 years of age. Within the first year I had gotten pregnant and subsequently lost that baby. Looking back I remember being so sad, yet so naive. Quite honestly, I remember the doctor asking me how far along I thought I was and I remember looking at him thinking, aren't you the doctor, how should I know?!!! Oh, I was so young and naive.
They advised us to wait at least 3 months before trying again and I couldn't wait. I was so anxious to be a mommy! It took almost a year before I got pregnant again (I was much wiser this time around)and on November 18, 1975 (Chip's 22nd birthday)I went to the doctor and it was confirmed...I was pregnant!
That night I fixed Chip's favorite meal (I think it was meatloaf) and wrapped his presents, including the books and pamphlets the doctor had just given me...
What to expect when you're expecting types of books...after dinner he opened his gifts and it took him a few minutes to make the connection, but he was ecstatic! Our child was due on July 4, 1976...our Bicentennial Baby!
Then the waiting and planning began! We lived in a tiny 2 bedroom house behind a house in Whittier, CA. It was perfect for us, but our landlord said from the beginning, NO DOGS and NO KIDS....we already fudged on the dog having snuck in an old english sheepdog puppy, named Daisy, and knew we couldn't/shouldn't press our luck with the kids. We soon began looking for our first home. By the grace of God we connected with an old high school friend's dad, who helped us get our first house.
As time went on and my stomach grew bigger, I remember each trimester as if it were yesterday. I remember that first "flutter" of movement and not knowing for sure, if that was the baby moving. I remember the baby getting hiccups (a lot) and feeling like that was chinese torture. I remember a little heartburn, but not much, which I was told meant my baby wouldn't have a lot of hair. If you got heartburn often, your baby would be born with a full head of hair. It seems as if that is true, because Bryan didn't have any hair when he was born.
Back in the 70's we weren't able to find out the gender of the baby. Back then, ultrasounds were used only if the doctors suspected a potential problem. Thankfully, there were no red flags at all! My weight gain was typical, my health perfect, my level of happiness was ecstatic!
About 1 month prior to Bryan's birth, Chip and I were supposed to meet my parents for dinner. Before that though, we were out shopping for washers and dryers and I remember stopping for ice cream and I think I ordered strawberry. The only reason I remember that is because I remember the scoop falling off the cone and onto my big, fat stomach and leaving a pink stain on my cream outfit. Now, normally I wouldn't remember those types of details, however after shopping, we went to my parent's house to "go out for dinner" and the house was filled with all our family and friends for a surprise shower! It was awesome, even if I looked like a dork with a big strawberry stain on my tummy!
The final month flew by as we packed up and waited for moving day into the new house. We were scheduled to take ownership around the first of June, however the sellers new house wasn't going to be ready until mid-July. They needed to rent it back from us for a month. Again being so young and naive, we said OK...not knowing what was about to happen to us.
On July 9th, still living in our little rental, Chip and I headed out to the Pizza Royale, a pizza parlor that my dad managed. My dad's brother, Rohnnie and his family were visiting from Idaho and were heading home the next day. We all planned to eat dinner and visit before they hit the road. We got there around 5:30 PM...I told Chip to order me a rootbeer and I headed off to the bathroom when I stopped dead in my tracks! Chip asked me what was wrong and I said, "We need to go, my water just broke!" Now we took all the lamaze classes they had to offer. After all, I was going to have "Childbirth without pain"...(that is seriously how they advertised it!) We did our exercises faithfully. We even went camping and had to excuse ourselves from our friends while we practiced....we were faithful I tell you!
We went home and tried to rest while timing the contractions. Chip and I both had been up since about 4:30 that morning and rest what was what we needed. Chip didn't have a problem resting, while I timed the contractions, which at this point didn't bother me...yet. Around 9:00 that night the contractions were 5 minutes apart. The doctor said to head to the hospital when they were 5 minutes apart. We arrived at Queen of the Valley hospital at 9:25 PM. I was dialated to 2 and everything else was good, so they kept me. They placed me in a "labor room" with two beds, where we remained for 12 hours! Chip made himself comfortable on the other bed and promptly fell asleep. Sometime around 2:00 AM I found myself throwing pillows, straws and anything else I could manage across the room to his bed. He was supposed to be my coach, what the heck was he doing sleeping!
The rest of the stay in the labor room is a blur, except when the doctor showed up and checked me. I think I was dialated to an 8 and He said "she still has a way to go, so I'm going down to the cafeteria for pancakes." He suggested Chip tag along...I was furious. If I had to endure this kind of discomfort (alright, by now it was pain!)he could manage to work through a few hunger pains!) The doctor did mention however, that you can never tell with redheads..."They tend to surpise you" is what he said. The doctor left, Chip wisely remained with me and within 15 minutes they were paging the doctor to come to the delivery room. He made it just in time for us to deliver our 8 lb. 4 oz. boy, Bryan Evan Bruner. 21 inches long, born at 9:25 AM on 7/10/76.
At that point, it was the happiest moment of our lives! Chip, who never shows emotion, couldn't contain himself. He cried, and as he's thanking me for everything, he says to me, "I can't wait to have another one." Which I promptly replied with, "if you ever touch me again, I will kill you!"
We stayed in the hospital 2 days and went home to begin our life together as a family. Bryan was such a good baby. God knew these two, naive and innocent kids, Chip and Dawn probably wouldn't be able to handle a difficult, crying, colicky baby, so he gave us Bryan. We have given thanks to God every day since.
God, it's so funny to me that as I reflect back thirty years, some of the details I remember are as clear to me today, as they were back then. Thank you for that gift. For remembering that beautiful memory as if it were yesterday. Lord, there have been difficult days and trials since for sure, but all in all, you have kept two really dumb kids from wrecking something so beautiful. You get the glory and the honor Lord, only You!
Thank you for our family. Thank you for the miracle of birth that we will get to relive again with the birth of our grandchild. We love you so much! Thank you for your son Jesus. It's in His name I pray. AmenHappy 30th Birthday Bryan. You make us smile everyday! You are loved!
Here Bryan is today, 30 years later with his wonderful girlfriend, Kerry!